
The Four Disciplines: Vital Knowledge for Business and Life

December 30, 2014

As much as you learned in your school years, once you left school you probably realized that you didn’t know as much as you thought you did and there was still plenty about life and work to figure out. Lately I’ve been thinking about continuing education and what areas we can focus on as adults to …

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Goalless Practice

August 8, 2013

In my previous post I wrote about why people often fail at achieving goals. I talked about how it’s not just a matter of setting better goals and sticking to them, but there might actually be something inherently flawed about “setting goals” itself. In work and business people are often taught to set goals like this: …

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Why New Year’s Resolutions Don’t Work–And What to Do About It

December 29, 2012

It’s that time of year. The New Year is rolling around and you’ve decided that now is the time to make a change. Maybe you want to lose weight, get fit, start a business, get a better job, quit smoking, or fall in love this year. Up to 62% of us will start the new …

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The Two Types of Motivation

December 10, 2012

Have you ever had a big career, weight loss, or personal goal that no matter what you did you just couldn’t seem to motivate yourself to actually take action on? It seemed like a good idea at first. You really did want to start that business, learn to speak Japanese, or lose those 30 pounds. …

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Stop Dreaming and Start Testing

August 26, 2012

Have you ever wanted something or someone so bad that you lay awake at night dreaming about what it would be like to have it? You spend hours and hours thinking about what it would be like to have that big house with the view, drive that luxury car, live a jet set life entirely …

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What Olympic Victory Can Teach You About Happiness

August 18, 2012

Very few things make me cry, and I cry very rarely. But watching champions rise to the occasion and show their greatness to the pleasure of the crowd brings a tear to my eye. There were many awe inspiring stories to come out of the London 2012 Olympics. Michael Phelps solidifying himself as the most …

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