Online Business

Goalless Practice in Business

August 11, 2013

Business is the domain where the lies of “thinking big” and “setting goals” reign most supreme. In my previous posts I discussed the problems with goal setting, and a process called goalless practice that I believe more accurately reflects how successful people really achieve success. Today I’m going to discuss goalless practice specifically in the …

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Telecommuting: How and Why to Work Remotely

September 19, 2011

Let’s face it. Having to get up and go to the same office at the same time every day sucks. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be that way. I’ve been working remotely 100% office free for the past 30 days and I have to say that removing your obligation to go to an office every …

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Niche Businesses: What’s the Right Size?

June 6, 2011

Starting an internet based business is the most straightforward path to escaping the 9 to 5 and being able to live anywhere you want on your own terms. The first thing anyone tells you about starting an online business, especially an info business or a blog, is that you have to choose a niche. You …

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