Paleo Diet

GOMAD: Risks and Uses of Milk to Build Muscle

April 9, 2011

GOMAD (gallon of milk a day) is a popular weight gaining strategy used by lifters looking to quickly add muscle mass while minimizing fat gain. Some lifters have reported 20-30 pounds of muscle gain in as little as one month. I follow a fairly strict paleo diet which disallows milk, but as a lifelong skinny …

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Raw Food Diet – Religion or Good Science?

March 7, 2011

This is the final post of my What and Why to Eat for Optimal Health series that explores optimal eating habits and compares the pros and cons of different diets including vegan, vegetarian, raw food, and the paleo diet. Seemingly equal parts diet and equal parts religion, raw is the most restrictive diet I explored. Basically …

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Free Range vs Factory Farm Meat

March 7, 2011

This post is a continuation of my What and Why to Eat for Optimal Health series that explores optimal eating habits and compares the pros and cons of different diets including vegan, vegetarian, raw food, and the paleo diet. In the modern world few of us even really think about meat coming from animals, let alone …

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Vegan Diet and The China Study

March 7, 2011

This post is a continuation of my What and Why to Eat for Optimal Health series that explores optimal eating habits and compares the pros and cons of different diets including vegan, vegetarian, raw food, and the paleo diet. Closely related to vegetarians, vegans take things one step further by not consuming any animal products whatsoever. …

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Is a Vegetarian Diet Nutritionally Complete Without Meat?

March 7, 2011

This post is a continuation of my What and Why to Eat for Optimal Health series that explores optimal eating habits and compares the pros and cons of different diets including vegan, vegetarian, raw food, and the paleo diet. The vegetarian diet is simple. No meat. Anything else goes. Though some people stretch the definition to …

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Organic, Conventionally Grown, and Genetically Modified Foods

March 6, 2011

This post is a continuation of my What and Why to Eat for Optimal Health series that explores optimal eating habits and compares the pros and cons of different diets including vegan, vegetarian, raw food, and the paleo diet. This topic merits a slight digression from the examination of specific diets. Conventionally farmed food relies …

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